Friday, April 3, 2020

Learn English With English Learning Books Online

Learn English With English Learning Books OnlineMany people are learning English with English learning books online because they want to be able to communicate with the people in other countries. Others are going to school for the first time and therefore are not being able to fulfill their dream of having a successful career or living happily with their family.If you're an English learner, you have options. With English learning books online, you can learn English at your own pace and at your own convenience. When you use the internet for language study, you can get information about topics in your interest area, and you can study them on your own time.There are many places where you can get access to free online resources. The Internet is a very powerful tool when it comes to learning a language. There are numerous websites that offer lessons to help you become fluent in a particular language. The English books offered by these sites are not only informative but also fun to read.Th e traditional method of language learning involves learning the alphabet and sounds, vocabulary, and grammar from a textbook, and then taking one or two courses or classes that cover more specific areas. While you are getting familiar with the basics of the language, you may have forgotten how important it is to know words for common things and idioms.Learning new words is one thing, but making them efficient and meaningful is another. For this, you need a powerful and reliable way to learn words, not only in a short amount of time but for a long period of time. You will need to know what means and what it means in context. This way, you'll be able to communicate in various situations, whether it's to strangers or to family members, friends, or employers.For this reason, it's better to get online and purchase the English books online. Some sites provide links to websites that will give you links to online resources that can help you learn vocabulary. They even offer an interactive f lash card game that can help you learn all the words in your language quickly and efficiently.Learning the basics of the language is the most important step when you're beginning your studies. Keep in mind that learning the entire language requires a lot of time and effort. Don't be intimidated by the thought of learning a foreign language. Engage yourself and see if you can learn English online the way you would naturally.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Ballet Lessons Why Get a Private Ballet Tutor

Ballet Lessons Why Get a Private Ballet Tutor 5 Good Reasons to Get Private Ballet Classes Chapters1. Private Ballet Tutorials: A Way to Gain Confidence2. Ballet Private Tutorials are Great for those with Busy Schedules3. Private Lessons Are Great for those who Need to Learn Something Quickly4. Private Ballet Tutors Focus on You5. A Good Addition to Group Ballet ClassesDoes ballroom dancing, bachata, tap, jazz, Zumba, flamenco, contemporary dance, pilates or hip hop not do it for you?Is it ballet dancing that really gets your blood pumping?Are you a huge fan of Swan Lake or the Nutcracker?Whether you’ve never danced before and are looking to start or you're thinking about improving your level, why not get help from a private ballet tutor?Whether your tutor’s a freelancer or working for an agency, they should have experience when it comes to teaching. Don’t forget that a good dancer isn’t necessarily a good teacher.Still not convinced?If you're hoping to be the next George Balanchine (he founded the New York City Ballet and was dubbed the father of American ballet), you should know that becoming a ballet dancer can be very challenging for adults who've never trained before and a good dance teacher can make all the difference.Here are 5 good reasons for learning ballet with private tutorials. SeamDance Teacher 4.96 (24) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JamieDance Teacher 5.00 (6) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ErickaDance Teacher 5.00 (1) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamuelDance Teacher 5.00 (4) £100/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlavioDance Teacher 5.00 (7) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HakimDance Teacher 5.00 (5) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HannaDance Teacher 5.00 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ClareDance Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors1. Private Ballet Tutorials: A Way to Gain ConfidenceRather than getting classical ballet lessons in a dance academy or school, why not try private ballet lessons?A lot of p eople are too nervous or self-conscious to start learning how to dance in a group class or attend a workshop at a dance studio.This is understandable. People get nervous when there are so many people around watching you try a ballet technique you’ve just learnt how to do. In private tutorials, there's just you and your instructor.Some boys are nervous about joining dance classes because it's mostly girls. (Source: Galina9237941221)AgeSome people are nervous about getting classes because of their age.It’s a common misconception that you can only start learning to do ballet when you’re very young (around 5 years old). That said, there are plenty of classes for children throughout the school year and workshops during the holidays.However, ballet can be done by anyone of any age and there are even adult ballet classes for those starting aged 20, 40, and 60. In fact, you can get private tutorials for all ages and regardless of your skill level.While older students will probably nev er join Joffrey Ballet or the Paris Opera, recreational ballet classes are a great way for students to learn how to dance, break a sweat, and improve their fitness. Just make sure you stretch before you go anywhere near the ballet barre!That said, some people can still feel too self-conscious to join the group classes for adults. In this case, starting to dance with a private tutor could be the way to go, especially in the first few sessions when your flexibility isn't what it use to be.While there are plenty of modern dance studios offering adult classes and workshops, you can learn much more quickly in class with just you and your tutor.A lot of conditioning and strengthening goes into learning ballet. If you just don't have the stamina you used to, it could help to have a private tutor there encouraging you. Our bodies age over time and things that were easy in our youth take a little more time as we get older. Find a tutor who focuses on teaching older students or those returnin g to dancing if this is the case.Shyness and Self-ConfidenceShyness can really hinder a dancer’s progress. Some people just don’t feel comfortable in large groups.If you are self-conscious, you’ll soon get over having to look at yourself in the mirror and dancing is a great way to start accepting yourself for who you are. If you don't quite feel comfortable in your leotard and pointe shoes yet, it can be easier learning in a relaxed environment with a tutor who's taught adult beginners before.Regardless of what you think of yourself, your tutor will accept you for who you are and help you express yourself through the art form.Being a Boy or a ManA lot of young boys are too scared to get ballet training or attend a ballet class because they’re scared what their peers may say about them.It’s a common misconception that dancing isn’t for them and this puts off many boys from even beginning ballet lessons.  Dance tutors won’t care if you’re a boy and many will be delight ed to finally have a student who is.2. Ballet Private Tutorials are Great for those with Busy SchedulesIt can be difficult for a lot of people to attend a dance class at the same time and same place every week.Choose a private tutor with a teaching style you enjoy. (Source: Marisa_Sias)Whether you work nights, evenings, weekends, or have family commitments, for example, there are plenty of reasons why students can’t work with a regular class schedule.Sometimes it’s not just the student’s schedule that will affect where and when lessons take place.  Even if there is a school of dance with drop-ins, some students have problems getting around because they don’t have a driving license or a car, or they live far from the city centre, for example.Can’t get to class? What about getting the tutor to come to you?If you have room, find a dance tutor who teaches their dance classes at their students' houses.While it’ll never replace a proper ballet studio, a tutor should be able to introduce you to the basics of ballet  such as the 5 feet positions with around 100ft ² (as long as you’re the only student). The last thing you want is to keep bumping into other people.It’s a good idea to invest in a large mirror so you can see yourself when you’re dancing and make sure you’re getting the choreography right. While your tutor will correct you, it helps to be able to see what you’re doing, too. A mirror can also be really useful when you’re practising on your own once your tutor has left. SeamDance Teacher 4.96 (24) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JamieDance Teacher 5.00 (6) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ErickaDance Teacher 5.00 (1) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamuelDance Teacher 5.00 (4) £100/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlavioDance Teacher 5.00 (7) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HakimDance Teacher 5.00 (5) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HannaDance Teacher 5.00 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ClareDance Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors3. Private Lessons Are Great for those who Need to Learn Something QuicklyWhether it’s to help you pass an exam, prepare for a private event, or brush up on some skills, private tutorials are a great option.With a private tutor, you're the only student that matters. (Source: Vladislav83)A private tutor will help you with feedback by correcting mistakes and helping you learn more quickly. You can tell a tutor if you have any deadlines and they’ll be able to put together an intensive plan for you with that in mind.If you need to work on creating a routine, they could give you advice, help you put together your routine, and help pick you up when you feel like you’ve hit a roadblock.Private classes can also help you get ready for an audition dance company, compete for a national ballet scholarship at a conservatoire, or just practise for your next recital.It’s a good idea to consider teaching styles and ask your private tutor about their approaches to dance education.A private tutor is a pretty good option for those trying to become professional dancers, too. Whether you have a deadline or are just driven to learn a lot in a short space of time, private tutors can help you get to grips with the artistry, coordination, and discipline needed to become a good ballerina.4. Private Ballet Tutors Focus on YouIn a group class, you sometimes get the impression that you’re just another face in the crowd. While the teacher will try to make sure everyone’s not making any mistakes, it’s impossible for them to see every student’s mistake. This can be really important when it comes to the student’s posture, which can hinder their progress.A private tutor can also help you do your warm-ups, build muscle and tone up, and even do stretches. They can be completely devoted, encouraging, and nurturing. You're the only participant in their class.Fin d  adult dance classes near me  here.The lessons can also be personalised to the student and their needs.Need to work on your improvisation, become more flexible, broaden your musical repertoire, etc.?It’s your class! You can choose what you want to do or work on something in particular.Need an artistic director or choreographer to help you put together a routine?A good educator will also know how to adapt to your needs and help you.Taking private ballet tutorials means you can learn at your own pace without having to worry about exams at the end of the year or being compared to the other dancers in your ballet class.5. A Good Addition to Group Ballet ClassesThe extra attention from your tutor can help you learn much more quickly. If you participate in a group class and leave feeling you could do more, private ballet tutorials could be the answer. Extra instruction could help you become the best dancer in your group class.Private dance tutorials are a great complement to regular d ance classes. (Source: lynnea)Private classes are great for extra tuition. It can take a lot of work from a student to go from a beginner’s level to an intermediate level. However, the help of a private tutor can make this task much easier.Is there something you need to work on missing from your school's syllabus or curriculum?You can enlist the help of a tutor to help.In addition to teaching you how to dance, a private tutor is also an expert in anatomy who can also help you to practise dancing safely without causing any injuries.You can also ask them about certain aspects of dancing if you have any questions. If you're training to become a professional dancer in a ballet company or applying to a dance school or ballet academy, a private tutor could help you master that pirouette or work on your ballet pointe technique.To find the perfect ballet tutor, make sure you shop around and get a free taster session. On Superprof, the first tutorial is often free. Just make sure they've g ot a passion for dancing, have studied the discipline, and have the necessary teaching skills before attending their tutorials!In short:If you think you’re too shy, old, big, or small, private ballet tutorials are a good option for anyone who doesn’t feel comfortable taking group classes.If you have a busy schedule or can’t make it to lessons, a private tutor can come to you and teach you from the comfort of your own home (provided you have the space).Are you getting married next summer and need to learn to dance for your first dance? Don’t panic! Private tutors can help you learn a routine. Applying to a ballet school and need an extra rehearsal? Let a tutor help you work on your performance piece.A private ballet tutor can focus exclusively on your since they don’t have any other students to worry about. They can also help you outside of regular group classes if there’s something you need to brush up on with structured lessons.Ready to get your ballet slippers and leot ard and give a tutor a call?Check out the tutors on Superprof!If you found this article helpful, check out our blog on the history of ballet!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Admission in a reputed college is available through Sat preparation online test

Admission in a reputed college is available through Sat preparation online test Since the tour of a child’s education, it is very important that one should have a strong base. A strong base only helps a person to lead a good future ahead. People should be very much interested and caring regarding the education of their child. A good school that has some qualified teachers, then a good and disciplined college where education is given the first preference is demanded to be a good choice for most of the conscious parents. This only makes the child to be a noble man in the society and lead a better life in the society. Once the phase of schooling is over, it becomes essential that one should make it a point to be admitted in a good college where they can nurture their learning habits better and higher. There are many colleges that are just typical colleges that we watch at movies where only song and dance sequences cover up the entire lives of the college goers. But if a student wants to achieve a good future ahead then he or she has to search for a much disciplined and a academically influenced college. It can only be possible if you have good marks in your 12th or if you can crack the tough exam named SAT. What is SAT and how does it work? SAT is a new type of exam that is been newly introduced at the colleges. It is mainly said to be the entrance examination through which a child gets admission in a reputed college. All the reputed colleges and universities make it a point to introduce SAT for their colleges for allocation of good students. When any college has some of the best students who later turn out to be some influential professional, the prestige and the reputation of the college increases to a large extent. Thus it has become one of the new and recent trends of every college to shortlist those students who have passed the SAT exam. SAT exam comes with four subjects to be passes. English, mathematics, science and reading are the subjects that mostly make the examination. Thus while you crack this, you can be sure of getting to know about having a good future ahead. Now the questions come that how will you be able to crack the exam. It is not that tough as well in this era. There are various private tutors who are always willing to help students who want to crack such tough exams. But if you want to save your time and energy in the traveling process then you can apply for the online tutors that are also found very easily as well. Get to know about online tutors Online tutoring is also called e-learning process. The e-learning process is new and is gaining a lot of popularity in the present timing. People are making the most help out of such a great way of learning and teaching. While you get a good institute by your side, the tough exams also becomes easy and fun filled with time. Today the availability of some of the good and experienced teachers are available under such institutes and thus life has become much more easier and it also takes less time to know such a great institute who will enroll you with some of the brightest facility that will help the students for a better future. Now let us get to know some of the best features that attract the students and their parents to enroll their child’s name in some of the leading institutes who are particular about providing you with the best teaching service. Characteristics of e-learning courses There are some of the listed characteristics that help parents also to know about the whole process easily and also to know about the entire process in details. • The online teaching institutes have some of the world best teachers who are well versed with the subject and know the subject pretty well. They are very qualified and have a very good grip over the subject. They can teach the students flawlessly and this attracts the parents of the students to admit their child in such institutes where they can be free from all the worried regarding their learning job. The interview process through which the teachers are appointed. • The classes can be attended by students at any time they want. This helps them to adjust their time according to there own preferences. The availability of the teachers is found 24/7 and thus it becomes very easy for any student to even clear their raised doubts instantly. They can develop a self confidence amongst themselves and it helps them to perform better in such a tough exam. • The online teaching service is a one on one service. It is said to be a unique service and thus this attracts many students towards it. A weak and a shy student who cannot open up with their problems related with the subject in public can easily come up to the teachers of these institute and the teachers are available all round the clock for help. Each single student in adjusted and attended by a single teacher. • The teachers not only help you to crack such tough exams, but there are various teachers who provide you with different subject help as well. the other facilities such as assignment help or completion of project help is also enlisted in the content voucher book. TutorPace and its facilities to help students Among the list of various online institutes you can blindly rely on TutorPace. It is said to be a reputed institute that has all the above services under its memorandum. The rates that are issued for the eServices are pretty less than any other institute would have charged.   It delivers the best to the students and can help you to get admission in good colleges as well as they have best service of Sat preparation online test as well.  

Thursday, March 5, 2020

6 Tips for Singing and Playing the Piano at the Same Time

6 Tips for Singing and Playing the Piano at the Same Time Suzy S. Artists like Billy Joel and Elton John may make it look effortless, but singing and playing the piano at the same time takes time and practice to truly master! Understandably, it’s difficult because you’re multitasking by playing two instruments simultaneously â€" your voice and the piano. It’s easy to lose concentration on one, while the other goes a little off; if you focus on your voice, you might mess up the timing with your fingers, and should you pay too much attention to the piano keys, you could find yourself mumbling along to the song. Getting this skill right will take plenty of practice, so we’ve put together a few singing tips to help you gain independence from your hands and sing excellently, too. To sing and play the piano at the same time, you will need to focus on: Singing at the correct pitch Maintaining both key and singing rhythm Assigning the correct word or syllable to a specific piano note Keeping the song’s timing and synchronized rhythm This may collectively sound like an impossible task, but with the right approach, youll get there with time. 1) Start with the Correct Posture Having correct posture is one of the key singing tips to note. Good posture translates to good breathing, and results in a better sound. It doesn’t matter whether you prefer sitting or standing â€" either is fine as long as you maintain flexibility in your spine. You may be tempted to bend forward as you play the piano, but straightening up not only looks better, it helps your voice and your breathing technique. 2) Position Your Mic Just Right The way you position your mic will affect your posture and your breathing technique, so make sure that you don’t need to lean forward too far. Your mic should also be placed at the correct height to encourage you to straighten your spine. 3) Sing and Play Separately at First During your preparation, try focusing your attention on one specific skill at a time. Start by singing a cappella and then work your way to singing along with a pre-recorded piano track. You can then try playing few simple chords while you focus on your singing technique. Then, switch the focus to the piano, while singing quietly. Keep at it until you’re feeling confident with the keys, and then slowly start to combine the two. 4) Draw Power From Your Lower Body Make sure that you’re not tightening your shoulders and neck to draw singing power from them. You should instead center your control and energy at your pelvic floor â€" this way, even if you’re sitting or standing, you’ll be able to sing with proper breathing and open throat technique. If you prefer being seated, one quick singing tip is to sit on the edge of your seat and press yourself down against it. If youre more comfortable standing, your legs should be shoulder-width apart as you draw power from your feet. 5) Play With Light Fingers This sounds simple, but playing lightly with your fingers will help reduce tension and the chance of you throwing yourself off. Keep your touch light and wrists flexible. This will allow your entire body to be more open. 6) Practice Regularly Youll need to be consistent in your practice in order to master this skill. It’s recommended that you practice at least half an hour every day, and if possible, record your sessions to track your improvements over time. You should notice a difference in your ability within a month or so. Have fun with your newfound skill! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of prescreened teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for safe, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  GBiB

Ask an MBA Admissions Expert Linda Abraham

Ask an MBA Admissions Expert Linda Abraham Varsity Tutors brings you insider tips and advice straight from nationally recognized admissions experts. Linda Abraham is the president and founder of, an admissions advising and editing service for MBA applicants. She is also the co-founder and former president of the Association of International Graduate Admissions Consultants as well as the co-author of MBA Admissions for Smarties: The No-Nonsense Guide to Acceptance at Top Business Schools. Linda has been featured in many prestigious media outlets such as The New York Times, U.S. News World Report, and more. VT:How much time should be set aside to adequately prepare for and complete the application for an MBA program? Linda: I recommend applicants start their preparation one year before they intend to submit their application. This allows time to study for and take the GMAT (and even retake it), clarify goals, research schools, strengthen areas of weakness, and then of course draft compelling, articulate, revealing essays. If an applicant is confident that they dont have to take all these steps, they can start the process later. VT: What would you say is the single most important thing to focus on for this kind of application? Linda: That will vary from person to person, but the foundation of an effective application effort is a clear goal and competitive qualifications. A post-MBA goal including function and industry and hopefully also a greater vision or purpose serves so many functions in the application process! It guides applicants in school choice, animates the response to any kind of Why MBA question, makes it easy for applicant to show fit with the program, and allows them to hit the ground running when they are thrown into the internship-recruiting vortex soon after arriving on campus. However, it makes little sense for applicants to apply exclusively to programs where the likelihood of acceptance is poor. Applicants must assess their qualifications and compare their profile to the profiles of typical accepted applicants. They dont have to be above average for every metric or criterion, but they shouldnt be below average across the board. Applicants also need to realize that there is a qualitative aspect to admissions. It isnt just about stats. Schools are going to seek students with leadership, impact, and above average progression at work as well as a host of personal qualities that they value. Finally, since schools value diversity, it is very possible to be qualified, competitive, submit a good application, and still be rejected. This happens, especially for applicants coming from over-represented groups in the applicant pool and applying to the most intensely competitive programs. VT: What do MBA admissions officers look for most in the essay questions? Linda: They look most for the answer to their questions written in an individual and authentic way. That may sound elementary, but I read so many essays where applicants dont answer the question. Or they write on such a general and superficial plane, that the essay essentially hides them instead of introducing them. Applicants need to make sure they answer the specific question in a way that also reveals something specific to them, both in terms of their experience and thought processes. VT: What are the biggest mistakes one can make on this application? Linda: Write what they think the reader wants to read. They dont know. However, they do know the real answers, and those answers can be far more compelling than something contrived. Not answering the question. Write in generalities and clichs so that they sound like many other applicants who are superficially very similar. Fail to proof. VT: What aspects of the MBA admissions process make it most different from undergraduate admissions process? Linda: Undergrads are not expected to know what they want to do in the future. Most MBA programs do expect their applicants to have a clear reason for wanting to go to business school. College applicants are not expected to have any work experience. Full-time work experience is a requirement at many if not most MBA programs. And even where not required, there are very few MBA students without work experience. And naturally, MBA programs expect more maturity from MBA applicants than colleges expect from their applicants. MBA admissions offices also are used to little or no direct parental involvement in the application process. VT: Is there anything that automatically disqualifies an applicant from being considered for an MBA program (i.e. low GPA, lack of particular work experience, etc.)? Linda: Automatic disqualification is probably too strong, but here are major red flags: Legal lapses like convictions for insider training, fraud, or breaches of fiduciary duty would fall into that category. For most MBA programs, zero full-time work experience is a significant hurdle. A GMAT or GRE score below the 20% for that school is a big hurdle. Same with the GPA. VT: What kind of work experiences should be highlighted in the MBA application? Linda: Applicants should highlight any experiences that demonstrate leadership, organizational ability, initiative, and innovation. Applicants can reveal these qualities through their resume, essays, letters of recommendation, and interviews. The best way to reveal those qualities is to tell stories and give examples that reveal those characteristics while answering the question. Another way is to provide stats in the resume that show impact. Finally, recommenders who tell specific stories of a candidates initiative, innovation, contribution, and ability to motivate others are worth their weight in MBA application gold. VT: What advice do you have regarding GMAT test prep? Linda: Im in favor! However I know that candidates needs vary widely. Some, usually those with strong quantitative and communications ability who have previously done well on standardized tests, do fine independently going through a prep book. Others need a course and hours of practice, practice, practice. Some feel a private tutor makes the difference. Each applicant needs to evaluate which approach will work best for him or her. VT: Is it absolutely necessary to have work experience prior to starting an MBA degree? Linda: There are a few schools that accept a handful of students straight from undergrad, but those applicants have to be stellar and usually have had impressive internships in college. Most full-time MBA programs want to see at least two years of full-time work experience before the MBA and three is preferred. The reason is simple: recruiters want it. Furthermore, many in graduate management education believe that experience enables the student to gain more from and contribute more to the MBA experience. VT: What are the characteristics of a great MBA program? Linda: A Career Management Center that has a track record of launching MBA students on the trajectory you want to pursue. A curriculum that you would be excited to study taught in the way you want to learn it. Extra-curricular activities that support your goals and that you would be thrilled to throw yourself into. A community and environment where you will feel comfortable. If youre thinking these characteristics imply that great MBA programs will be different for different people, youre right! Visit for more information. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Safety 101 4 Ways College Students Can Stay Safe on Campus

Safety 101 4 Ways College Students Can Stay Safe on Campus Colleges want to make sure their students are kept safe. In fact, federal law requires all colleges to create a campus safety plan. Unfortunately, no matter how many safety precautions a college puts in place, there is always potential for on-campus crime to occur. While these crimes cant always be prevented in every situation, there are some important things you can do to minimize your risks of becoming a victim. The key to staying safe on campus is to be prepared. Here are several actionable tasks students can take to maximize campus safety during their college experience: 1. Download safety apps If your college offers an emergency alert app, take the time to download it to your phone. These apps work by sending real-time text notifications from campus safety or police officers to your phone as a crime unfolds. By using the information about what kind of crime is occurring and where, you can avoid the situation and stay safe. There are also many third-party safety apps tailored to college students. One popular app is Circle of 6, a free app that college students can use to create a group of six emergency contacts. If you feel you might be in a dangerous situation, you can use the app to alert your circle of your location. Other commonly used safety apps for college students include Guardly, bsafe, Pan!cGuard, and OnWatchOnCampus. Make sure you keep your phone properly charged at all times so you can use these apps if you need to. 2. Add emergency numbers to your phone Before you head to campus for your move-in date at the end of the summer, go online to your colleges website and look for its page on campus safety. This page should list all of the key emergency numbers you can use if you find yourself in an unsafe situation on campus. Add these numbers to your phone, and consider placing the number for campus police on speed-dial. Also consider writing down these numbers on a piece of paper and putting it in a prominent place in your dorm roomit can never hurt to have extra copies of these numbers! 3. Use the buddy system Its true that there is power in numbers: Statistically, youre much less likely to fall victim to a crime if you travel in groups rather than going solo. Whether youre going for a run early in the morning or a campus event late at night, buddying up can help you avoid unsafe situations. 4. Know where your campus emergency stations are Many college campuses have emergency phone stations placed at various locations across campus. You can walk up to these stations 24 hours a day and get connected with the campus safety office, which will dispatch a campus police or safety officer to your location. Before you arrive for your move-in day, familiarize yourself with your campus by looking at a map and take a mental note of where these emergency stations are located. Consider even highlighting where these stations are and keeping a copy of the map with you in your backpack, purse, shoulder bag, etc. The college experience is an invaluable opportunity for academic breakthroughs, personal growth, and so much more. Ensure you are able to enjoy it to the fullest by practicing these smart measures to maximize campus safety. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

Pricey Bangers and Mash, Lads Speaking English and Surviving in London

Pricey Bangers and Mash, Lads Speaking English and Surviving in London So, you’ve been learning English a while but when you went to London you could hardly understand a word or you have an English friend who seems to be speaking a different language. Does this sound familiar? Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw famously said that “England and America are two countries separated by a common language.”English spoken in London contains many informal words and slang expressions that need to be explained to students. Here is a brief guide on what you need to know to communicate. The list is endless but if you can understand the following examples you are making a good start:1. Food   In London you will here many words to refer to something as simple as food. Among these are grub and nosh.   A quality meal generally eaten in a restaurant is called A slap up meal.   A sausage and mashed potato dish is called Bangers and mash.   Whole potatoes are called spuds. French fries are called chips. Potato chips are called French fries. A thinly sliced meat san dwich is called a bacon sarnie. Dessert is called, afters. The fruit conserve called jelly in the US in London is called jam. Sugary gelatine is called jelly.2. ClothesClothes also have a vocabulary of their own in London: A sweater is called a jumper. Trousers are called pants. Athletic or running shoes are called trainers. Lingerie for women are knickers. A small purse worn around the waste to carry money is called a bum bag.   A plastic pin to hang clothes to dry is called a clothes peg.3. Social Situations Working class Londoners from the east side of the city can sometimes be referred to as cockneys. How are you? is often said as Alright?Thank you can be said as ta. Friend can be referred to as mate or pal. A man can be called a bloke or lad. You might here someone’s surprise expressed as blimey! An argument is called a row. If someone is a good person he/she might be called sound. If something is really great, it might be called wicked or massive. If a girl is attractive she is called fit.If a person is unattractive (either male or female) they are called minging. When a person is telling their friends they are leaving, they say, right lads, I’m off. Bye can be said as cheerio or cheers.   Bathroom is loo.4. Money Money can be called dosh or doe. A British Pound can be called a quid. If something is expensive, people say it’s a bit pricey.5. Some phrases If you are very tired, I’m knackered. When someone is very surprised, You could have knocked me down with a feather (meaning, I was so shocked, even a small bird’s feather could have made me fall to the ground). If someone orders more food than they can eat they say, their eyes are bigger than their belly (or stomach). Sleep well can be said as sleep tight. Do you want a cup of tea? can be asked as, do you want a brew?Let’s enjoy some London English at its finest with this video of cockney boys, The Clash, with their classic, London Calling: Sign up for: Online English Classes | Aulas de Ingl ês | Cursos de Inglés